DREAMing of new WORLDs together

An invitation to reconnect with the subconscious self and
question whether the world we believe in is the only one we live in…

What is Dream World?

Check out this 1 minute video of our immersive experiences:

Explore our productions

Dream Spa

January 2022 - present

In the magical installations of our Dream Spa we offer love baths, aura cleanses, ego peelings, anti-fear balms, and grudge release treatments personalized just for you!

We are currently bringing the Dream Spa to events. If you are interested in hearing more about it, click below!


June 2023

A site-specific Transmission Mission: Dreamlings from Nexus speed-landed on Earth, after receiving signals that the most majestic machines on this planet had just entered their REM phase! In preparation for their imminent awakening, Nexus Dreamlings upload human’s dreams to the machines, so that when time comes for their great awakening, they will have had the most wonderful dreams!


September 2022

Ready to take a LEAP OF FAITH?

Dive into a playful, soul-searching experience with surreal sets and magical characters.

Through immersive installations and interactive performances, Limbo takes dreamers on a journey into a mystical realm.

Visitors who enter Limbo may look at their lives from a different space, delve into the experiences they’ve had, their hopes, their fears, and their deepest dreams.

The Portal

May 2022

Some humans were brave enough to voluntarily go through the dream machine prototype, a device promising to take visitors to Dream World.

Some say it was to be expected that the portal was disastrously defected and ended up spitting visitors out into a strange realm....


January 2022

Would you dare ask that question?

Augurium is a sanctuary where oracles reside and offer counsel to human souls. This guild of oracles guides the seekers by helping them tap into different dimensions within themselves.

Only the fated ones get to interact with our colorful, mystical and mad creatures at Augurium!

The Fog

October 2021

Enter through the fog of the subconscious mind into a dark, industrial forest... Explore the sensations of the cold metal and the soft winds....

The Fog invited visitors to make their journey through surreal installations, guided by their own shimmer of light to encounter creatures that would play with them along the way, unearthing lost dreams and rehashing untold desires.

Cortex Vortex

Summer 2021

A subliminal psychedelic Maze to find your lost soul deep in the woods! Adventurous souls entered the giant ear into a labyrinth through the subconscious mind.

Some got lost, others got found, but it’s safe to say there was a surprise for all behind each twist and turn of this surreal space.

Dream World Order

June to September 2020

If you were one of the lucky souls to pass through the Dream World Order settlement while it existed, you would have met hosts and dreamlings who would help you expand your capacity to dream. Sleepers may enter, but only Dreamers find their way…. Is your dream capacity strong enough to make it to Dream World Forever?

Dream World: The Experiment

December 2019 - January 2020

In a secret location in Berlin, hidden behind an abandoned gas station, came into being the Dream World Society – a transient conglomeration of creatives dedicated to producing lucid dreams. At the Dream World border post, one could be offered a chance to enter the dream sequence and explore the transformational powers of their most intimate dreams.

Bonus: Dream World VR!

The First Dream was demolished, taken over by the modern world. But luckily, some brave historians captured its installations in glorious 360 Virtual Reality for your enjoyment!

Dream World

Dream World is a Berlin-based arts organization dedicated to creating transformational experiences through interactive performances and art installations. We create immersive, participatory, narrative-based and performance-driven art which guides participants through a dream sequence. 

Dream World is a playful yet serious invitation to connect with the subconscious self and worlds of infinite possibilities. Dream World is a playful yet serious invitation to dream new realities and empower us to create our best worlds.

Our team & DAO

We are a collective of multi-talented creative creatures. Our teams consist of artists from diverse creative disciplines including visual arts, performance, music, and science.

Our community is comprised of queer, international, culturally diverse and differently-abled people. We value diversity and see it as the foundation of a successful, multi-faceted, and collaborative creative community!

As we’ve explored with fluid hierarchies and different ways of organizing ourselves, in 2022 Dream World adopted a DAO structure. You can find us at dreamworlddao.eth and follow us on Twitter !


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