In our dreams we discover foreign worlds and yet remain ourselves. Dreaming itself is immersive. We find ourselves as part of seemingly absurd situations that, when looked at carefully, can reveal forgotten aspects of ourselves.
What is Dream World?
Dream World is a Berlin-based arts collective dedicated to creating transformational experiences through sustainable and ethical practices.
Since 2019, we have been creating immersive, participatory, narrative-based and performer-driven art installations that guide participants through a dream sequence.
Co-creation is at the heart of our processes, both in terms of our creative collaborations with diverse artists, and also with the participants who encounter Dream World. It is this dynamic that brings intimacy to the experience and makes it uniquely personal for everyone involved.
Dream World is a playful yet serious invitation to reconnect with the subconscious self. It is a dialogue with the possibility of infinite possibilities. It is a world where we can dream new realities.
We ask visitors to invest a piece of themselves and their emotions when they visit Dream World. Our work can be psychologically challenging, as we explore the complex nature of emotional experiences such as childhood, intimacy, fear and hope.
Everyone leaves with a different experience. No two stories are the same. Visitors aren’t passive watchers of a narrative. Rather, they become designers of their own dreams and leaders of their own journeys.
Our vision
We as an art collective aspire to nurture and transform individuals and society by immersing visitors into personal, thought-provoking experiences through interactive performances and art installations.
Our goal is to inspire shared play and growth. We believe in the transformative potential of art, and we wish our audience and collaborators to leave with an altered sense of consciousness, self-perception, and reality, and to question the current ways we design our lives on this planet.
In 2022 Dream World became a DAO (Decentralised Autonomous Organisation)!
We are proud to take part in this exciting new era! By becoming our own creative direct-democracy, we are experimenting with technology, art and expanding our organism into the multiverse.
Artistic governance on chain means transparent communication, decision making processes, and developing structures directly implemented through the DAO.
We formed as a DAO on 07.02.2022 with a unanimous vote from all our active Dream Keepers on Snapshot. You can find us at dreamworlddao.eth and follow us on Twitter and Mirror to stay updated on our journey!
Dreaming is at the core of imagination and play
Everyone has the capacity to dream.
Dreaming empowers us to build better worlds!