Dream Spa
Dreamlings have been bringing their magic to very special parties!
Enter the Dream Spa, where you will be offered a divine experience created just for you! In our magical installations we offer love baths, aura cleanses, ego peelings, anti-fear balms, and grudge release treatments.
We have brought the Dream Treatments to hundreds of souls at special parties in Kit Kat Club, About Blank, Ritter Butzke and Salon zur wilde Renate, among others.
We are excited to bring the Dream Spa to events. If you are interested in hearing more about it, contact us!
If you don’t want to miss the next time we offer it in a public setting, follow us on Instagram and stay tuned!

The Dream Spa has been developed by Kia Kali and Scarlett Flamingo and has been performed by Alex Kaos, Carnelian King, Esra Meshugga, Jan Liefhold, Karolina Palica, Kia Kali, Leo Schramm, Maia Friend, Noemi Veberic Levovnik, Scarlett Flamingo, Sam Vale Markham and Sebastian Bluck.